Maadhyam International Association
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About Us

Maadhyam was founded in year [TBD] by set of [TBD] families with the intention of making get together and celebration a regular event. With time, this group has evolved in many ways and each member has added considerable value and creativity to make this group an organized association of families.


Today, Maadhyam is a united family of 31 unique families connected with bond of love and respect.


Maadhyam parties, centered around a theme based on religious or national festivals, are generally hosted by set of 2-3 families where all Maadhyam members come together to calibrate moments of happiness. Each host made considerable effort in deciding date, time, place and dress code based on theme of the evening.


Charity Contribution

Here's a list of some of Maadhyam charity contribution:

- In 2005, Maadhyam donated Rs 1,20, 000 to Rotary International towards welfare of underpriviledge.